News & Blog

Meet the new face of the Great British Pound!

The Great British Pound is getting a makeover! Learn everything there is to know about the new King Charles III banknotes and coins.
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Prepare your business for the Christmas peak.

Christmas is around the corner, and stores are busier than ever. Learn how you can prepare your business for these busy times.
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Say goodbye to your old paper banknotes.

The Bank of England is withdrawing its paper banknotes. Find out how and where you can exchange them before it is too late.
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Manage your cash during the hospitality season.

It’s peak season for the hospitality industry. Find out how you boost your productivity and efficiency during this demanding period.
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Optimise your cash flow at events and festivals.

The festival season is officially underway. Find out how you can optimise your cash flow and safeguard your profits at all your events.
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