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What do you want to see on the new euro banknotes?
The European Central Bank has taken the next step towards the introduction of new euro banknotes! They had already picked two options for the banknote themes, but now they have also communicated possible motifs for each of the selected themes. Read along and find out what your future banknotes might look like.
Celebrating cultural diversity and famous faces
The theme European Culture celebrates the cultural spaces that have shaped the European identity. Embodying the dynamic, creative, and cultural heritage of the continent, to create a shared sense of belonging.
The selected motifs reflect the connection between the European people and their rich history. Each new banknote will have its own cultural subject, ranging from performing arts and music, to universities, museums, and exhibitions. The front of the banknotes will depict historic figures that have made an impact on each specific cultural subject. These include (amongst others) Ludwig van Beethoven, Marie Curie, and Leonardo da Vinci. The back of the banknotes will depict various cultural activities and spaces such as people listening to street performers, teachers educating young students, and adults and children admiring different forms of street art.
Embracing the freedom and unity of nature
The theme Rivers and Birds highlights the resilience and diversity or our different ecosystems. It captures the European freedom by depicting how birds and rivers cross different countries and regions without being limited by borders.
The chosen motifs showcase the importance of nature by depicting different ''stages'' of rivers, and combining them with various bird species. Each new banknote will display its own nature scene ranging from mounting springs and waterfalls, to river mouths and seascapes. The front of the banknotes will depict one bird species interacting with nature, such as a kingfisher in a waterfall or run pool, an avocet sweeping over the surface of a mud flat, or a northern gannet flying over big ocean waves. The back of the banknotes will feature important European buildings and institutions to highlight the values of the European project. These include (amongst others) the European Parliament, the European Central Bank, and the European Commission.
Designing and printing the new Euro banknotes
The process of introducing new banknotes is one that takes place over several years. This year, the European Central Bank will launch a design contest, which will be open to designers (from the European Union) to participate in. They will also select a jury which will debate and choose designs to create a shortlist. The European Central Bank will then open the discussion to the public and ask what designs they prefer. It is expected that they come to a final decision about the introduction of the banknotes (including their themes and designs) in 2026.
Even if the European Central Bank decides to move forward with the new Euro banknotes and start the production process, it will still take multiple years for the banknotes to enter circulation and show up in our wallets.
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